The EasyOven™ increases the benefits on the environment and peoples lives.
I kept my sustainable cooking invention buried in a cupboard for 20 years before
unearthing and redesigning it to be worthy of the world stage.
What grew from a simple idea to keep food warm has grown into a concept called EasyOven™, that
not only retains heat, but cooks food too. Made from fully washable, brightly coloured insulated poly-cotton, it has generated massive interest world-wide.
I first introduced the EasyOven™ to local community groups that helped people who were without power during the Brisbane floods and after the Christchurch, earthquakes in New Zealand. They were a huge success, as many families had not had a warm home cooked meal for days.
I was then invited and attended the Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) in Washington DC in June last year as an exhibiter with the EasyOven™, which generated much interest for the use in areas affected by the ravages of war or natural disasters.
However, back home, when Camping, Caravanning or just travelling around, there was always a great
community spirit that I would stumble on, in the parks and picnic areas around the country, and my EasyOven™ was always a talking point when I took it out to start cooking and sharing some fabulous simple or even gourmet style dishes while enjoying the friendly company.

When looking at the design of the EasyOven™ the environment was also an important consideration, especially with the worlds focus on environmental preservation.
So I had it tested by the University of Queensland and the results indicate that the EasyOven is carbon neutral after only four months when used only four times a week and would save up to half a ton of carbon a year.
It also had to be Energy Efficient, Save fuel / Electricity, save water and reduce CO2 emissions. In fact my testing found that I saved up to A$250.00 a year when used only 4 times a week.
Other important features of the EasyOven™ for me was that it had to be lightweight (only 230grams), so it is more portable than similar products, easy to clean – machine and hand washable, easy to carry with handles attached and easy to store when not in use. But I also needed to be able to use it when I went shopping in order to keep my frozen food from melting when taking it home. It worked a treat!
Even chefs have sung its praise. Australian celebrity chef and television personality, Ben O’Donoghue and Kenyan celebrity chef Susan Kamau have endorsed the EasyOven after trying out a range of meals, while Olympic hurdler, Kyle vander Kyup has also endorsed its virtues.
And while 20 years seems a long time to wait for an idea to come to fruition, I believe the timing is perfect.
How it works!
- The initial cooking can be started on the kitchen stovetop, gas burner or an open campfire. Once the food has boiled for the required time, see table above, the entire cooking pot is then placed in the EasyOven™ to complete the final cooking process.
Note: All cooking times and savings can vary depending in circumstances and must be regarded as approximate.