Globally, the world is experiencing record energy prices and soaring carbon emissions, placing
significant financial pressure on households and the Environment.

Over 2.5 billion people still cook over an open fire every day using solid fuels in the form of wood,
charcoal and coal. This causes significant greenhouse gas emissions and widespread deforestation.

 As a result, over 4 million people lose their lives annually due to household smoke inhalation.

The EasyOven™, was designed and implemented to address these health and Environmental issues.

EasyOven™ is a handmade, lightweight, fabric, heat retention oven, designed as an environmentally
sustainable, financially responsible and social product.

It can

  • Reduce smoke inhalation related deaths by up to 80%
  • Reduce de-forestation and reduce CO2-e emissions while promoting education of the Environment.

The EasyOven™ can also be used alongside a clean cook stove, (Rocket Stove), as a “Second Hotplate” to further reduce fuel usage by up to 80%.

EasyOven™ has been tested and certified as an Energy Efficient, Durable and Sustainable product by the University of Queensland, Australia for:

Testing has shown that the EasyOven™ reduces carbon emissions by up to a ton a year, and once verified and validated the EasyOven™ will qualify for high-quality Verified Carbon Units (VCUs).