The Tropical Innovation Awards are a program to identify businesses and individuals developing new and innovative products and processes in the Tropical North.

We were greatly honoured to be a Finalist for the People's Choice Award 2012.

These Awards aim to recognise, reward and support innovation, invention and commercialisation across North Queensland;

  • To build economic diversification, sustainability and resilience through the creation of an outward looking business culture built upon opportunities unique to the Australian Tropics
  • To showcase and brand North Queensland as the centre of tropical
    expertise and knowledge for the tropical world
  • Provide opportunity for inventors, innovators & businesses to showcase their inventive & innovative ideas, projects & processes to potential investors, mentors, government officials & public
  • It is an opportunity for applicants to realise the potential commercial value of their invention or innovation and contribute to the export & employment potential of the region
  • To focus on the importance of innovation in driving key economic benefits for the region including:
  1. Better, more competitive business practices
  2. Developing and driving ‘locally-grown’ export opportunities
  3. Stimulating employment generating activity

To find out more about the Tropical Innovation Awards please contact the Cairns Council or read here for more information & contact details

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